
(published in The Christian Observer July/August 1994 issue)

Wouldn’t it be a boring world if we were all alike?  We need different types of people to complement one another.  If everybody was just like me, we would bounce off the walls, come floating down deflated, rest awhile, and bounce again.  We need some steady, calm personalities to hold us on an even keel.

If we were just alike, a lot of needs would not be met.  God tells us we have different gifts (I Cor. 12).  Each one of us is uniquely made with her own set of skills and abilities.  Isn’t this wonderful!  God also tells us that each one of us has work to do, work that was prepared in advance for us to do (Eph. 2:10).

God has a certain work for me, but what is it?  How do I know what it is and when do I fulfill it?  These are questions asked by each one of us.  We all struggle with the answers.  Sometimes, it is difficult to know if this is Jesus leading me or a stumbling block put out by the devil.  I do know we are to “live as children of light” and to “make the most of every opportunity” (Eph 5).

We are each given at least one talent.  The parable of the talents (Matt. 25) tells us this.  Maybe your talent is to organize and teach a children’s program.  Maybe your talent is to prepare a fellowship meal.  Maybe your talent is to teach a home Bible study.  Maybe your talent is to smile and hug little children.  Maybe your talent is to pour water into a glass and serve someone with a smile.  Whatever it may be, you must do it.  “Work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord” (Col. 3:23).

Take a few minutes and reflect on your own life, answering these questions.

  • Do you remember the last kind thing you did? How did it make you feel?
  • What brings you more pleasure than anything else you do?
  • Do you enjoy doing things for other people? Why?
  • What is it that actually brings you extra joy when you do it for someone else?
  • Could one of these actions be the work, the ministry, you are to do?

In my own life, I can reflect back to painful times and now understand why I had to experience those times.  Other times were joyful and pleasant.  However, these events have led me to where I am now.

I never in my wildest dreams thought I would ever actually be a houseparent in a children’s home.  I had desired to be one, but I felt it was just a passing thought.  I was going to be a nurse, taking care of people and get paid for it too.  Well, this did not come to pass, but I learned so much from this experience.  Later, I went into a different field and did quite well.  I learned many other things, all of which molded me into the person I am now.

Today, I serve as a houseparent caring for up to nine children-attempting to meet their needs physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  I don’t make the big bucks I dreamed of.  However, one could not place a monetary value on the joy I receive caring for these children.  My task is not an easy one; but, I love it with all of my being.

Some people have said they could not do this work.  It is not for everyone.  There are things they can do that I cannot.  It is true that the children are her for an unknown length of time.  Because I only have these children for a little while, I am more aware of the need to make today count.  I have to make a difference TODAY.  I may not have tomorrow.  I firmly believe God has been preparing me for this work all along.  All the valleys in my life were just a steppingstone for this mission.  All the joys in my life were for the days I would need to be uplifted.  What greater joy can there be on earth than to have the love of a child and show him that God loves him.

Just as I do not have the promise of tomorrow with these children, do you really have tomorrow?  So, stop and consider what your work for the Lord really is, and let’s get on about our Lord’s business until He comes.


The following is used by permission of the person who wrote it, but wished to remain anonymous.

We’re women with a mission, we’re His indeed.  We’re ready for the challenge, no matter what the need.  So find your mission, sister; whether great or small.  Remember it’s for Jesus…..and that it takes us all.